In the SpotlightPrograms

2022 Halloween Frolic

What a fun and exciting Halloween season! Library staff participated in the 108th #HalloweenFrolic and all their hard work paid off. Our Library of the Dead won 1st place for the Business Costume Contest and our Haunted Storytime float won 2nd place in the business category for the afternoon parade. Our favorite part was getting the Spirit Award for the evening parade! The cherry on top was director Erin Verbick’s winning Halloween Frolic logo design.
Library staff had a blast reading to 41 attendees at our Pumpkin Patch Storytime earlier in October and handing out books, glow sticks, and candy to 275 patrons during Hiawatha’s Business Trick-or-Treating.
Thank you to the Friends of Morrill Public Library for funding our Halloween activities, thank you to our patrons who encouraged us, thank you to the judges for appreciating our hard work, and thank you to all of our librarians who kept up the spooky spirit all month long! Special shoutout to our volunteers who made our float so much fun!


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